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Prayer for Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri
in his passing from this world, and for the new Archbishop
the one to be in charge of Luisa’s Cause in his stead

 Abba Father, In the Name of Jesus, in the Unity and
Power of the Holy Spirit, Under the Mantle of Mary,
With All the Angels and Saints, Through the Intercession of
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command:

 “Oh! Lord, reward Arbishop Pichierri – You Yourself.” (V1)
“Remember how many sacrifices he made, how much zeal he had for
Your Honor and Glory and then, how much did for Luisa and the
little family of the Divine Will and how much he suffered.
On this point You must render him to us, by Letting him
Pass even Into Heaven.” (V9–10.17.10)
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command,

We Your little children of the Holy Divine Will pray You
from the depths of our hearts to send us another
Faithful Archbishop who will love deeply Your little daughter of the
Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta and who will work fervently
to establish the Reign of Your Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command,

 Bind him to Your Holy Divine Will and seal all
his works with the Divine Seal. May the Divine Will be his breath
and heartbeat so that he will be carried in Your Divine Arms,
and will be able to fulfill Your desires of making Your Divine Will
Known, Loved and Possessed by all.

“…I pray You to Give Grace to the one appointed in charge of Luisa’s Cause,
to make him all Yours, According to Your Heart” (V2-6.23.99)
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command,

 We pray You to make him live of the Divine Will
and that It may keep him sheltered, protected from
all dangers and free from all evils. “…I pray the
Most Holy Virgin to Intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for him,
for the Cause of Luisa and for All the little family of the
Little Daughter of the Divine Will.” (V4 – 1.26.02)
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command,

 Let All Be Accomplished and Completed In Your Most Holy Divine Will.
We Believe, We receive!


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