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Our Lady of America Promised Great Miracles

On September 26, 1956, the Feast of the North American Martyrs, Our Lady of America first Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem in Rome City, Indiana:

 “I am Our Lady of America. I desire that My children honor Me, especially by the purity of their lives.”

“It is the United States that is to lead the world to Peace,

the Peace of Christ,

the Peace that He brought with Him from Heaven.”

“I Come to you, oh children of America, as a Last Resort. I Plead with you to listen to My Voice…

I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your Land.

Be My faithful children as I have been your Faithful Mother.”


“Our Lady of America Promised greater miracles than those granted in Lourdes and Fatima, will be granted here in America, the United States in particular, if we do as She Desires.” (Sister Mary Ephrem Letter 2/2/60)

For a deeper understanding of Sister Mary Ephrem go to:

Click blue Link to Our Lady of America Booklet        

Click red Link to Video – full story of Our Lady of America and Sister Mary Ephrem

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