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Day of Pentecost – Come Holy SPIRIT!

Day Of Pentecost Command Prayer

Abba Father in the Name of Jesus

In the Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit

Under the Mantle of Mary

With All the Angels and Saints

Through the Intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

Please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command,

That Just as You Anointed David, Anoint us with Your Holy Oil, With the Oil of Gladness above our fellows,

so that the Spirit of the Lord will be upon us, because the Lord has anointed us.

Anoint us Father, as You Anointed Jesus with the Spiritual Oil of the Holy Spirit that we may be Sanctified by the Holy and Life-Giving Spirit through the Divinity of Christ.

Anoint us with an invincible Strength, in such a way that nothing else will be able to enter the so very High Fences of Your Kingdom.

Restore and Heal us with Your Breath, the Breath of the Holy Spirit which, Blowing Continuously into us, will keep us always ignited and consumed for Love of Him.

Truly Loving with this Love, may the Holy Spirit put His Flames on the way toward us,

and Bind us with the Relations of His Sanctity.

One with Luisa in the Mission of Your Will, Braid us with the Bond of Inseparability with Jesus, Mary and Luisa, and make us Your Living Hosts.

Heal our human wills by giving them again the Life of Your Divine Will, and as though by magic, all the evils of the human nature will have Life no more.

In this way we will be like skin to the body of Your Church, and like circulation of Life for all the members, who will give the proper growth to the members which have not grown; who will Heal the wounded members, and who will Restore the Freshness, the Beauty, the Splendor of the Whole Mystical Body by our continuous Living in Your Will.

We pray You to fulfill all our petitions – save Your anointed and hear us from Your Holy Heaven, that all may be accomplished and completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will.



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