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Chaplet of the Holy Spirit

Chaplet of the Holy Spirit

Day by day, little byimage315 little, expanded and enriched in the light of the Truths contained in the Volumes of Luisa, it has become a wonderful source of meditation and a “navette” which guides through and around the mysteries of the Third Fiat (the “rounds of Sanctification”).  But before starting the “trip”, as Jesus says in Volume 17, we are called to fuse ourselves in His Will (like Jesus taught Luisa, part by part—first our intellect, memory and will, then our senses, our breathing, our heartbeat, our motion and all of our being) and enter the “Order of Grace”—that is, the immense, incalculable, supernatural field of Action of the Holy Spirit.

And so, we can travel through the mysteries…in the sphere of Grace, offering glory, love and adoration to God the Holy Spirit, for all and in the hearts of all…

Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind!
Come, inflame my heart!

  1. Take your beads (the Blessed Virgin’s Rosary) and recite the “Apostles’ Creed.”
  2. After the Creed, very slowly and devoutly, the “Glory Be to the Father.”
  3. Then say the “Our Father.”
  4. Now, very fervently, say this ejaculation: “Father, send us the promised Paraclete, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”
  5. Now, on each bead, instead of the Hail Mary, say with a burning heart: “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love!”
  6. After the tenth bead, recite the following official prayer:  “Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.

“Oh God Who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to be truly  wise and evermore to rejoice in His consolations, through Christ our Lord.  Amen.”

  1. Then recite the second decade and all the others in the same way as explained (beginning at 3): “Our Father”.
  2. After the seventh and last decade, recite the “Hail, Holy Queen”, in honor of the Blessed Virgin, our Heavenly Queen, who presided in the Cenacle on the Great Sunday of Pentecost.

A few short reflections may be made on ! seven glorious mysteries relating to seven wonderful operations of the Paraclete.  These meditations should be made briefly, between every ten beads.

1st Mystery:  Let us honor the Holy Spirit and adore Him Who is love substantial, proceeding from the Father and the Son, and uniting Them in an infinite and eternal charity.

In all the interior acts of the Holy Trinity (acts “ad intra”) as the Spirit proceeds continually and perpetually from the Father and the Son in perfect unity of Love and Will, let us ask Him to make us one with the Them as They are One

2nd Mystery:  Let us honor the operation of the Holy Spirit and adore Him in the Immaculate Conception of Mary, sanctifying her, from the first moment with plenitude of grace.

We honor the Holy Spirit in the act of the Immaculate Conception of Our Celestial Mother, conceived within immense oceans of Sanctity, Beauty, Love, Wisdom, …and all of the Divine qualities, so that Her little seed might remain intact and immaculate.  These oceans of Divine qualities in which, through the Spirit, Mary was conceived, are still in Her power—and much more…  They were continuously expanded by Her acts in the Divine Will, and now She ardently desires to share them with us.  And we pray to be inundated by them to be renewed and transformed in the Life of the Divine Will

3rd Mystery:  Let us honor the operation of the Holy Spirit and adore Him in the Incarnation of the Spirit and adore Him in the Incarnation of the Word, the Son of God, by His Divine Nature, and the Son of the Virgin by the flesh.

Let us honor the operation of the Holy Spirit in the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word, conceived not within seas of Grace and Divine qualities which emanate from the Spirit, but within the Source Itself of those seas—God.  In Him we were conceived and through Him we pray to be reborn to New Life, here on earth—Life in the Divine Will

4th Mystery:  Let us honor the operation of the Holy Spirit and adore Him giving birth to the Church on the glorious day of Pentecost in the Cenacle.

In the Mystery of the Pentecost, we ask Him to renew this prodigy today, through Mary, in each creature, that we may become true apostles of His Holy Will

5th Mystery:  Let us honor the operation of the Holy Spirit and adore Him dwelling within the Church and assisting Her faithfully according to the Divine promise, even to the consummation of the world.

Let us honor the continuous action of the Spirit of guidance of the Church of Christ, from the first little seeds in the Upper Room through growth, persecutions, expansions, tribulations, …even through the great apostasy, in order to reach purification and the final triumph

6th Mystery:  Let us honor the wonderful operation of the Holy Spirit creating within the Church that other Christ, the priest, and conferring the plenitude of the priesthood on the Bishops.

In the ministry of Priesthood and in all the Sacraments, we unite our will to His to redo, repair and offer each one of them in His Divine Will

7th Mystery:  Let us honor the operation of the Holy Spirit and adore Him in the heroic virtue of the saints in the Church, that hidden and marvelous work of the “Adorable Sanctifier”.

We honor the Holy Spirit in all graces of sanctification—the prime act which the Holy Spirit brings to each soul for her sanctification (Vol 17):  the Will of God—in all the saints, and in the Great Gift which He desires to bestow now:  the Will of God as Life operating in us.  And so we can open the doors of every heart, accept the gifts of the Spirit in each one, repair for all the rejections on the part of creatures, which cause His “unspeakable moans” (Vol 17).  We ask for all that each one needs…for some conversion, for some repentance, for some mercy, for some consolation, for some healing, for some reconciliation,… and we implore Him to dispose us and each creature the Greatest Gift of the Divine Will.



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