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Return to Sister Mary Ephrem – Little White Dove


Recent United States Bishops associated with Our Lady of America and Sister Mary Ephrem:

Our Lady of America to Sister Mary Ephrem as written in her letter to +Archbishop Alter – April 13, 19/60:

“My child, God works often through little and humble things, and
such instruments should never be despised but accepted and used
with love and gratitude. It will be through the medal that God’s Will
shall be Manifested and Glorified and My Desires carried out even to
the very end…I place My Confidence in My faithful sons, the Bishops,
who will not fail to take up My Cause and make it bear much fruit for
sanctification among so many and countless souls…Send this Word
to My beloved son, the Archbishop, and have no fear, sweet child, for
I will Keep My Promise, for I am the Ever Faithful Virgin”


In May of 2020, the six Roman Catholic Bishops with jurisdiction over this devotion, as the alleged Apparitions occurred in their dioceses, released a joint Decree discussing the supernaturality of what Sister Mary Ephrem experienced as the basis for this devotion.  This group of Bishops was led by Bishop Kevin Rhoades of the Fort Wayne – South Bend, Indiana Diocese. At this time, a decision has been reached expressing an insufficiency of facts and elements of proof to either affirm or negate the supernatural character of the presumed private revelation. The possibility remains that the Apparitions may be Supernatural. The faithful may practice the private devotion.  The Bishops have also placed Sr. Mary Ephrem and the Rome City site in a favorable light.

These are extremely positive findings and provide a solid foundation for moving forward in faith. Before this decree there was only one Bishop, Archbishop Paul Leibold (of happy memory) that had approved the private devotion.  Today there are 7!   This includes all the current Ordinaries of the places where Apparitions allegedly occurred. They have cleared the way for God’s Mercy and Love to Rise through the instrument of this devotion, of Sister Mary Ephrem, and the chapel at Rome City.

Our Lady of America awaits the fulfillment of Her Heavenly Request to the Bishops of the United States to process Her statue in the National Shrine, honoring Her there. With this, and with the cooperation of Her little children to a life of Purity, Our Lord will Grant this Victory through His Most Holy Mother, Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin. May we receive the last resort of Blessing from Our Lady, thus bringing about the Salvation and Sanctification of souls, families, our country, the Church and the world. Let us pray ardently for this through the intercession of Our Lady’s chosen, Sister Mary Ephrem, the little white dove.

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