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Our Lady of America Honored

Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin honored in this land…

Rome City Oratory – first place Our Lady of America Appeared


2022 Rome City Oratory – Sacrifice of the Mass and +blessing by Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Fort Wayne – South Bend, Indiana




September 16, 2008 – ARCHBISHOP BURKE Talks to Inside the Vatican on eve of US elections:

“The devotion to Our Lady of America is distinct from the devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe who also has the title of Mother of America. Devotion to Our Lady of America was approved many years ago by the late Archbishop Paul Leibold of Cincinnati, Ohio. Having studied the devotion and noting, in particular, its emphasis on the gift of the divine life of grace in the individual soul, which is reflected, above all, in the practice of the virtue of purity, I encouraged the devotion in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. The new enthusiasm for the devotion to Our Lady of America seems providential to me, for it helps the faithful to fortify themselves against the evils of pornography and other violations of pure and selfless love.”


2019 Bishop Joseph Strickland, Bishop Mark Brennan and Bishop Joseph L. Coffey joined with the faithful seeking Our Lady of America’s intercession:

Divine Will 2021 conference with processions at Rome City:

Our Lady of America, The Immaculate  Virgin Enthroned – Shrine of The Most Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of The Angels Monastery

















May 24, 2008 – Washington D.C. – Pope John Paul II Cultural Center – Dr. Hugh M. Dempsey, D. Ed., K.M.Ob. Deputy Director and the staff at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center  welcomed the Our Lady of America statue that was first displayed in 2006 at the U.S. Bishop’s Conference in Baltimore, Maryland:

2017 – 40 Days for Life, Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki, Diocese of Springfield, Illinois called upon the intercession of Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin to deliver his diocese from the scourge of abortion: October 27-29, 2007 – Houston, TX – Our Lady of America that Archbishop Raymond Burke +blessed at the United States Bishops meeting in Baltimore visited the Houston-Galveston Diocese churches of Holy Rosary, Annunciation,  and St. Vincent de Paul (Map)  on October 27-29, 2007:









November 4, 2007 Indianapolis: The Our Lady of America statue was hosted at the Indianapolis, IN parish of Holy  Rosary.   Monsignor Joseph Schaedel, Pastor and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, welcomed Our Lady to the sanctuary:

August 1, 2007 St. Louis Mo: The new official image of Our Lady of America +blessed by Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, in the historic Basilica of St. Louis, King. This beautiful and historic Basilica of Saint Louis was the Proto-Cathedral of the Catholic Church in the United States West of the Mississippi River. It is indeed fitting and proper for the statue of Our Lady of America to be displayed in this former Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis.

September 11,  2007 – 6th Anniversary – New York City

The journey of the statue of Our Lady of America began at the Basilica of St. Louis, King, in Saint Louis, Missouri on Saturday, September 8th.  Concluding with Benediction offered by Fr. Elias Mary Mills, F.I., She immediately  began Her journey towards New York City.  The statue was accepted from the volunteer cross-country driver into the care of firemen from the Jackson Mills Fire Department.  In addition to other priests, the statue was blessed by  Fr. Anthony Forte, of the Newark Diocese, and Chaplin of the Newark Fire Department.  From there the journey into the World Trade Center neighborhood began in preparation for the 6th Anniversary of September 11, 2001.


Fr .Peter Damian Mary Fehlner, FI, world renowned Mariologist, along with the distinguished, spiritual theologian, Fr. Basil Cole, O.P., traveled to offer prayers and support for the fallen responders, their families, all who were affected by the 9-11 attacks and the Our Lady of America volunteers.  The priests were also instrumental in explaining the message of hope and joy brought to this country through devotion to Our Lady of America and our response to Her request.



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Cardinal Raymond Burke

Most Reverend Raymond L. Burke, Archbishop of Saint Louis – May 31, 2007 – To the Bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – “What can be concluded canonically is that the devotion [Our Lady of America] was both approved by Archbishop Leibold and, what is more, was actively promoted by him. In …