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Spiritual Director of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

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Padre Bucci’s Easter Blessing 2019

His Easter Message:

Wishing you a Holy Easter, under the protection of Luisa, The Saint.

Most assuredly that she, Luisa can help you understand the Mystery of Easter.

With utmost certainty Luisa has Fully Understood and entered into the Mystery of Easter.

My prayer is that you are also able to Live this Mystery in Truth.

Luisa with certainty has Fully Lived, day by day within the Mystery of Jesus Christ.

As so my prayer is that all you will Live these days by meditating on the writings of Luisa. Especially everything encompassing Easter and in particular the Hours of the Passion.  But, not only meditating on the Passion but also the Glory of the Resurrection.

May the Holy Blessing of God come upon all of you, your family and the prayer groups in the United States and all over the world.

I give you my Priestly Blessing, In the Name of the +Father, +Son and +Holy Spirit.

Blessed Easter!

And also to pray with Rosaria Bucci, that she may continue to help stop abortions and all that may limit the life of the pregnancy of a woman and anything that ends the life of a preborn baby.

(Padre Bucci has told us that, a few weeks before Luisa died that she informed his Aunt Rosaria, who helped with the care of Luisa for 40 years, that Jesus gave Rosaria the Mission of helping the Preborn in a similar way that Jesus gave Luisa the Mission of those Born, to the Light of the Day.

Volume 36 – April 12,1938

“My blessed daughter of My Will, how many wonders My Will can make in the creature, as long as she gives It the first place and all the freedom to operate.  My Will takes the human will, the word, the act that the creature wants to do, as part of Itself – covers it with Its creative virtue, pronounces Its Fiat in it, and forms as many lives for as many existing creatures.   You were asking in My Will for the baptism of all newborn babies that shall come to the light of the day – and then, for Its Life to Reign in them.  My Will did not hesitate for an instant; soon it pronounced Its Fiat and Formed as Many Lives from Itself for as many newborn babies coming to the light – baptizing them, as you wanted, with Its First Light, and then giving each one of them Its Life.  If these newborn babies, for lack of knowledge, shall not possess Our Life, this life still remains for Us, and we shall have Many Divine Lives which Love Us, Triune God, Glorify Us, Bless Us, as We do Ourselves.  These Divine Lives are Our Greatest Glory, but they don’t put aside the creature who Gave Our Fiat the opportunity to Form so Many of Our Lives for these newborn babies who are coming to the light; rather, they keep her hidden in themselves to let her Love as they Love, and let her Do what they Do.  Neither would they set the newborn babies aside; rather, they would Give them So Much Attention, Guard and Defend them as to be able to Reign in their soul.


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Inauguration of the Restoration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Church of Santa Maria Greca – Corato, Italy – April 23, 2019

On April 23rd, on the anniversary of the birth of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, at 7:30 pm in the Church of Santa Maria Greca, the inauguration of the Restoration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel will take place. A meritorious work has restored to the original splendor the frescoes of the chapel, the place that, from now on, will keep the mortal remains of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. We are all invited  to give thanks and praise to the Lord for this immense gift.


Here is the program:

Parish of Santa Maria Greca

H. 5:00 pm : Hour of spirituality

H. 6:30 pm: Eucharistic Celebration presided by the Vicar Don Peppino Lobascio

H. 7:30 pm: Inauguration of the Restoration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Associazione Luisa Piccarreta

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Novena for Luisa Piccarreta’s Birthday begins 4/14/2019

Novena for Luisa Piccarreta’s Birthday 


Novena can be found here

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Tears of Our Lady Chaplet


Link to the Chaplet

Sister Amalia suffered the stigmata, (the wounds of Christ)
Prostrated before the Blessed Sacrament, she asked the Lord: What do you want me to do?

Jesús responded: if you wish to receive this grace, ask me through the tears of my Mother.

She asked: And how must I pray?

Jesús replied with these invocations: Oh Jesus, look upon the tears of her who loved You most on earth and loves You most ardently in Heaven.

After these affirmations, Jesus said to Sister Amalia: My daughter. Anything that anyone asks me through the tears of my Mother, I will grant it with much love. Later on, my Mother will give your this treasure for our beloved Institute (her congregation) as a magnet of Mercy.

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Happy 55th Anniversary Padre Bucci

Padre Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci

Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci was born in Corato on 15 June 1935.   In 1955, he entered the Novitiate of the Capuchin Friars at Alessano, in the Province of Lecce and completed his philosophical studies at the Studentate in Scorrano. On 14 March 1964, in the Capuchin church of Triggiano, he was ordained a priest by Archbishop Nicodemo of Bari.  He celebrates his 55th Anniversary today.




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Advent and the Divine Will

Advent and the Divine Will From Pope Benedict XVI and the Book of Heaven



Saint Peter’s Square
First Sunday of Advent, 2 December 2012

Advent and the Divine Will

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Prayers for Padre Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci OFM

Our Spiritual Father is very ill, asking many prayers for his recovery

Today urgent prayers are being offered for Padre Bernardino Bucci, OFM. We’ve been notified that he was transferred to the hospital in San Giovanni Rotondo with kidney failure and high fever.

Padre Bucci is the Spiritual Father of all the little children of the Divine Will, we attribute our having the writings of Luisa, the biographies, letters, relics and more to his life-long dedication and that of his Aunt Rosaria. Actually, 70 years ago, on November 27, 1948  Arb. Addazi granted permission to print prayer cards of Luisa with relic, giving her the title of “Servant of God”, at the persistance of Rosaria Bucci. Rosaria dedicated her life to assisting Luisa, then making her known after her death. It was the Bucci family that provided much of the documentation and materials for the Cause of Luisa.

Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, pray for Padre Bucci.

Rosaria Bucci, pray for Padre Bucci.

All Saints and Angels, all priests and souls connected to Luisa, pray for Padre Bucci.



VOL. 35 – February 20, 1938

Jesus became silent, and I remained with the scene before my mind of so many Jesuses for as many existing creatures. But I carried a thorn inside my heart that tortured me and embittered me – down to the marrow of my bones – for a person very dear to me, and necessary to my poor existence, who was in danger of death (FR. BUCCI); and I wanted to save this person (FR. BUCCI) at any cost. Therefore I took the Divine Will, I made It all mine, and in my sorrow I said: ‘Jesus, your Will is mine; your Power and Immensity are in my power. I do not want this, and You must not want it either.’ My God, I felt I was battling with a Power; and in order to win, my mind brought itself before the Divinity, and I placed around It the expanse of the heavens with all the stars in prayer, the vastness of the light of the sun with the might of its heat, the entire Creation – in prayer; and then the seas of Love and Power of the Queen of Heaven, the pains and the Blood shed by Jesus, like many seas around the Divinity – all in prayer; and then the many Jesuses of each creature, so that they might have a sigh, a plea, to obtain what I wanted. But what was not my surprise and emotion together, in seeing and hearing that the many Jesuses of each creature were praying to obtain what I wanted? I remained confounded in seeing so much divine goodness and compliance. May He be always thanked and blessed; and may everything be for His Glory.


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Feast of Christ the King Nov 16 – 24, 2018

Feast of Christ The King

By the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

The Little Daughter of the Divine Will

Novena to Christ the King

November 16 – 24, 2018

Day 1 – November 16

V5 – 10.12.03 – “…the Crown of Thorns means that there is no glory and honor without thorns; that there can never be dominion over passions and acquisition of Virtues without feeling oneself being pricked deep in one’s flesh and spirit, and that True Reigning is in mastering oneself by the pricks of mortification and of sacrifice.

Moreover, these thorns signified that I AM the True and Only King, and only one who Constitutes Me King of her heart enjoys Peace and Happiness, and I Constitute her queen of My Own Kingdom. So, all those rivulets of Blood which poured from My Head were many little streams which bound the human intelligence to the Knowledge of My Sovereignty over them.”

 Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

Day 2 – November 17

V6 – 4.16.05 – “Today is the Day of the Palms in which I was Proclaimed King. All Must aspire to a kingdom, but in order to acquire the Eternal Kingdom it is Necessary for the creature to acquire the regime of herself through the dominion of her passions.  The only means is Suffering, because Suffering is Reigning; that is, through Patience, man puts himself in his place, becoming king of himself and of the Eternal Kingdom.”

Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

Day 3 – November 18

V11 – 5.18.15 – “Just as the kings of the earth have their own courts and quarters in which they keep safe in the midst of dangers and among the fiercest enemies – since their strength is such that while the enemies destroy other places, they do not dare to look at that point for fear of being defeated – in the same Way, I too, King of Heaven, have My Quarters and My Courts on earth. These are the souls who Live in My Volition, in whom I Live; and the Court of Heaven crowds round them.”

Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

Day 4 – November 19

V13 – 9.2.21 – “You Must Know that I Acted with you, Luisa, as a King who begins to Love a friend, who is very dissimilar from Him in status; but His Love is so Great, that He has decided to make him similar to Himself. Now, this King cannot do everything at once and render His friend like Himself; rather, He does it little by little. First He prepares a Royal Palace for him, similar to His own; then He sends the Adornments to decorate the Royal Palace. He forms a little Army for him; then He gives him half of His Kingdom, so as to be able to say: ‘What you possess, I possess. King am I – king are you’. However, each time the King would give him His Gifts, He would look at his faithfulness; and giving the Gift would be for Him an occasion for New Contentment, Greater Glory and Honor for Himself, and a New Feast.”

Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

Day 5 – November 20

V13 – 11.19.21 – “…This is why I Love so much one who Lives in My Will: I Recognize My Portrait in her, My Noble Features; I feel My Own Breath, My Voice; and if I did not Love her I would defraud Myself. I would be like a father without offspring, without the noble cortege of his court, and without the crown of his children. And if I did not have the offspring, the court and the crown, how could I call Myself a King? My Kingdom is formed by those who Live in My Will, and from this Kingdom, I choose the Mother, the Queen, the children, the ministers, the army, the people. I AM everything for them, and they are all for Me.”

Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

Day 6 – November 21

V15 – 7.25.23 – “…wanting to scrutinize Me also, Pilate asked Me:  “Are You king? And where is your kingdom?” I wanted to give another sublime lesson by saying:  “I AM King”.  And I wanted to say:  “But do you know what My Kingdom is?  My Kingdom is My Pains, My Blood, My Virtues.  This is the True Kingdom which I Possess, not outside of Me, but Within Me.  What one possesses on the outside is not a true kingdom, nor a safe dominion, because that which is not inside of man can be taken away, usurped, and he will be forced to leave it.  But that which he has inside, no one will be able to take away from him – its dominion will be Eternal within him.  The Characteristics of My Kingdom are My Wounds, the Thorns, the Cross.  I do not act like the other kings who make their peoples live outside of them, unsafe, and eventually, even starving.  Not Me – I Call My peoples to dwell inside the Rooms of My Wounds, fortified and sheltered by My Pains, their thirst quenched by My Blood, their hunger satisfied by My Flesh.  This alone is True Reigning; all other reigns are reigns of slavery, of dangers and of death, while in My Reign there is True life.”

“This is the Kingdom of Peace, to which all My children should aspire.”

Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

Day 7 – November 22

V13 – 12.3.21 – “…Since this thing is Great – Establishing My Kingdom in the soul also on earth – I Acted like a king who has to take possession of a kingdom. He does not go there first; rather, first he has his royal palace prepared; then he sends his soldiers to prepare the Kingdom and to dispose the peoples to his subjection; then follow the guards of honor and the ministers – and the last one is the King. This is decorous for a King. So I did: I had My Royal Palace prepared, which is the Church; the soldiers have been the Saints, in order to make Me known to the peoples; then came the Saints who sowed miracles, as My most intimate ministers; and now I Myself Come to Reign as the King. Therefore, I had to choose a soul, Luisa, in whom to Establish My first Dwelling, and in whom to found this Kingdom of My Will. So, let Me Reign, and give Me full Freedom.”

 Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

DAY 8 – November 23

V36 – 5.10.38 – “…I Burn of Love. I feel like Fainting, I AM Delirious for Desire of Love.  And to reach this end, do you know what I do?  I put My Love in the heart of the creature, I let it flow in her mind, words, works and steps; I turn all this Love that Flows everywhere into coins of Divine Love, and to let it circulate as Our Currency We impress on them My Image and the Writing: ‘Jesus, King of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.’

Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”

DAY 9 – November 24

V36 – 5.6.38 – “I would never have Come down from Heaven without the Court of My People; without a Reign in which I could Dominate with My Laws of Love. All the centuries are just like a point for us, in which everything is Ours, in Action.  Therefore, when I Came down from Heaven as Dominator and King of My children, I felt courted and Loved—as only We can do—and My Love was such that My children were all conceived together with Me.  I just couldn’t be without them; I couldn’t have tolerated not finding My Loving children.  So they grew with Me in the Womb of My Queen Mother; they were born together with Me, cried with Me, did everything I did.  They walked, worked, prayed and suffered together with Me, and I can say that they were with me even on My Cross, to die and Rise Again to New Life for human generations.

“Therefore, the Kingdom of Our Will is already Established. We know its numbers, we know them all by name.  We already feel them palpitating in Ardent Love.

 Prayer:  My Sweet Jesus,…You are waiting for them (creatures) to call You into their midst, to receive You as Triumphant King, and to make You Reign on earth as in Heaven.  Linked with Luisa we pray, “Let Your Kingdom Come.  O please, let It be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human generations.”


FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING – November 25, 2018



“Oh Jesus, King of kings, God of Goodness, God of Love, God of Mercy, I adore, I love, I thank, I

glorify Your Most Holy Will emanating from Your Omnipotence, guided by Your Wisdom, accompanied by Your Goodness and Love.

Everywhere and in every time, be it either in joy or in pain, may Your Most Holy Will, Your Divine Love, be the star that I gaze at, the law that governs me, the air that I breathe, the heartbeat of my heart, the substance or, better, the Life of my life. To such an end, I unite all my prayers and actions to Yours, all my life to Yours, as well as to that of the Virgin Mother, of Saint Joseph and of all the Elect that have been, are now and shall ever be, with all good, past, present and future which is real and possible in Heaven and on earth.

I consecrate and give all myself, what I have, what I am, what pertains to me, what is dear to me, my life, my death, my eternity, all that You have created and will create by Your Supreme Volition, by Your Infinite Love.  And I pray You, oh Infinite Wisdom, to inscribe me with indelible characters in Your adorable Heart as the ardent and zealous child of Your Divine Volition, of Your pure Love. I make this donation in the Power of the Father, in the Wisdom of the Son, in the Virtue of the Holy Spirit, in my name, and in the name of all creatures to obtain the advent and the expansion of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, of Your Divine Love upon the earth. For pity’s sake, oh my Lord, grant that from every lip and from every heart there may continually be raised, as from a sacred altar, the prayer that You, Yourself, as the first, addressed to the Father, “YOUR KINGDOM COME! YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.”

Fiat! Amen!

Command Prayer

Abba Father,

In the Name of Jesus,

In the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,

Under the Mantle of Mary,

with all the Angels and Saints,

through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,

Repeat the Greatest Miracle Your Omnipotence can Perform, let us be one with Luisa and live in Your Fiat,

that You may see Your Image in us, Intact, Beautiful, just as You Delivered it from Your Paternal Womb.

May we do nothing but take and give to You Continuously as Your True Children.

Please take our humble prayer, surrendered to You, O Lord, and make it Your Command.

With the Crown of King on Your Head and with the Scepter of Command in Your Hand,

let us be one with Luisa, the One who Lives In Your Will;

May You Recognize her in us, so that You may be Everything for us, and we may be All for You.

Please take our humble prayer, surrendered to You, O Lord, and make it Your Command.

May Your Church give You All the Honors that Befit You,

and may She honor and institute the Feast of the Kingdom of Your Divine Will.

May we be Your True people who will hasten to make known Luisa and the  Divine Will,

and may the Divine Will Reign, making us a people worthy of Such a King.

Please take our humble prayer, surrendered to You, O Lord, and make it Your Command.

As Luisa Received the Right to Possess within her soul the Kingdom of the Divine Will,

as well as the Right to Take in Hand the Scepter of Command with Absolute Dominion,

may we bind our love in all the Divine Acts, returning to You the Right of Justice

that Your Will Demands,  and with these Links of Connection of all Divine acts,

You may Give us the Right that the Divine Will Reign in us, Your children.

May this be the Reality of what You have Decreed, Almighty, Triune God.

Please take our humble prayer, surrendered to You, O Lord, and make it Your Command.

May You Pour Out Your Infinite Mercy upon all souls, past, present and future,

so that all may be Sanctified, Divinized, and give You, as all owe You, the Right of Justice.

May this be the beginning of the Coming of Your Kingdom upon earth,

and the Final Fulfillment of Your Will.

May all be accomplished and completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will.

Fiat!   Amen!


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Novena of Christ the King Nov 15, 2019

Feast of Christ the King can be found here


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