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Feast of the Annunciation

The Feast of the Annunciation

The Feast of the Annunciation in the Divine Will

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 From the Writings of
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
The Little Daughter of the Divine Will

The Resurrection is the Confirmation of the Fiat Voluntas Tua
on earth as It is in Heaven.


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The Stations of the Cross

Volume 20 December 12, 1926
Lament of Jesus in His Passion, in seeing His garments being divided, and lots drawn for His tunic.  How Adam, before sinning, was clothed with light, and as he sinned, he felt the need to cover himself.

I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Fiat, and my adored Jesus came out from within my interior and told me:  “My daughter, in My Passion there is a lament of Mine that came out with immense sorrow from the depth of My tormented Heart:  ‘They divided My garments and drew lots for My tunic.’  How painful it was for Me to see My garments being divided among My very executioners, and My tunic being gambled away.  It was the only object I possessed, given to Me, with so much love, by My sorrowful Mama; and now, they not only stripped Me of it, but they made of it a game.

“But do you know who pierced Me the most?  In those garments, Adam became present to Me, clothed with the garment of innocence and covered with the indivisible tunic of My Supreme Will.  In creating him, the uncreated Wisdom acted as more than a most loving mother; more than with a tunic, It clothed him with the unending light of My Will—a garment that is not subject to being either disarranged, or divided, or consumed; a garment that was to serve man in order to preserve the Image of his Creator and the gifts received from Him, and that was to render him admirable and holy in all his things.  Not only this, but It covered him with the overgarment of innocence.  And Adam, in Eden, with his passions divided the garments of innocence, and he gambled away the tunic of My Will—a garment that is incomparable and of radiant light.

“What Adam did in Eden was repeated under My eyes on Mount Calvary.  In seeing My garments being divided and My tunic gambled away—symbol of the royal garment given to man, My sorrow was so intense that I made of it a lament.  It became present to Me when creatures, in doing their own will, make a game of Mine, and the so many times in which they divide the garment of innocence with their passions.  All goods are enclosed in man by virtue of this royal garment of the Divine Will; once this is gambled away, he remains uncovered, he loses all goods, because he lacks the garment that kept them enclosed within himself.  So, among the many evils that creatures do by doing their own will, they add the irreparable evil of gambling away the royal garment of My Will—a garment that cannot be substituted with any other garment.”

After this, my sweet Jesus showed me Himself placing my little soul inside a Sun, and with His holy hands He held me still within that light, which was such that, as it covered me completely, inside and out, I could not see, nor was I able to see anything but light.

And my adored Good added:  “My daughter, in creating man, the Divinity placed him inside the Sun of the Divine Will, and all creatures in him.  This Sun served as garment not only for his soul, but its rays were such as to cover also his body, in such a way as to serve as more than a garment for him, rendering him so adorned and beautiful that neither kings nor emperors have ever appeared so adorned as Adam appeared, with this garment of most refulgent light.

“Those who say that, before sinning, Adam went naked are wrong.  False, false.  If all things created by Us are all adorned and clothed, he who was Our jewel, the purpose for which all things were created—was he not to have the most beautiful garment and the most beautiful ornament of all?  So, to him befitted the beautiful garment of the light of the Sun of Our Will; and since he possessed this garment of light, he had no need of material garments in order to cover himself.  As he withdrew from the Divine Fiat, so did light withdraw from his soul and from his body; he lost his beautiful garment, and in seeing himself no longer surrounded with light, he felt naked.  Feeling ashamed in seeing that he was the only one to be naked in the midst of all created things, he felt the need to cover himself, and he made use of superfluous things, created things, to cover his nakedness.

“This is so true, that after My highest sorrow of seeing My garments divided and My tunic gambled away, as My Humanity rose again I took no other garments, but I clothed Myself with the most refulgent garment of the Sun of My Supreme Will.  That was the same garment as the one that Adam possessed when he was created, because in order to open Heaven, My Humanity was to wear the garment of the light of the Sun of My Supreme Will—a royal garment; and as it gave Me the insignia of King and dominion into My hands, I opened Heaven to all the redeemed ones; and presenting Myself before My Celestial Father, I offered Him the garments of His Will, whole and beautiful, with which My Humanity was covered, so as to make Him recognize all the redeemed ones as Our children.

“So, while It is life, at the same time My Will is the true garment of the creation of the creature, and therefore It holds all rights over her.  But how much do they not do to escape from within this light?  Therefore, be still in this Sun of the Eternal Fiat, and I will help you to maintain yourself in this light.”

On hearing this, I said to Him:  “My Jesus and My All, how is this?  If Adam in the state of innocence had no need of garments because the light of Your Will was more than garment, the Sovereign Queen, however, possessed Your Will as whole, and You Yourself were Your Will Itself; yet, neither the Celestial Mama nor Yourself wore the garments of light, and both of You made use of material garments to cover Yourselves.  How is this?”

And Jesus continued, saying:  “My daughter, both My Mama and I came to set fraternal bonds with creatures; We came to raise decayed humanity, and therefore to take up the miseries and humiliations into which it had fallen, in order to expiate for them at the cost of Our lives.  Had they seen Us clothed with light, who would have dared to approach Us and to deal with Us?  And in the course of My Passion, who would have dared to touch Me?  The light of the Sun of My Will would have blinded them and crushed them to the ground.

“Therefore, I had to make a greater miracle, hiding this light within the veil of My Humanity, and appearing as one of them, because It represented, not Adam innocent, but Adam fallen, and so I was to subject Myself to all of his evils, taking them upon Myself as if they were My own, in order to expiate for them before Divine Justice.  But when I rose again from death, representing Adam innocent, the new Adam, I ceased the miracle of keeping the garments of the refulgent Sun of My Will hidden within the veil of My Humanity, and I remained clothed with most pure light; and with this royal and dazzling garment I made My entrance into My Fatherland, leaving the doors open that had remained closed up to that point, so as to let all of those who had followed Me enter.

“Therefore, by not doing Our Will, there is no good that one does not lose, and there is no evil that one does not acquire.”



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Feast of St. Patrick, Bishop 3/17/18

Feast Day of St. Patrick

Here is the purpose of this Book (The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will) explained to you. Those who will welcome it with love will be the first fortunate children who will belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; and I, with gold characters, will write their names in My Maternal Heart.

See, My daughter, that same Infinite Love of God which, in Redemption, wanted to use Me in order to make the Eternal Word descend upon earth, is now calling Me into the field once again, and entrusting to Me the difficult task, the sublime mandate of forming on earth the children of the Kingdom of His Divine Will. Therefore, with Maternal Care I set to work, and I prepare for you the way that will lead you to this Happy Kingdom.

For this purpose I will give you sublime and Celestial Lessons and, finally, I will teach you Special and New Prayers, through which you will commit the heavens, the sun, the Creation, My very Life and that of My Son, and all the acts of the Saints, so that, in your name, they may impetrate the Adorable Kingdom of the Divine Will. These Prayers are the Most Powerful, because they bind the very Divine Operating. By means of them, God will feel disarmed and conquered by the creature. Confident of this help, you will hasten the Coming of His Most Happy Kingdom, and, with Me, you will obtain that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, according to the Desire of the Divine Master.

Courage, my daughter—make Me content, and I will bless you.


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“I expand the circle, and, like a fisherman, I catch those who must serve Me for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

On Sunday January 14,  2018, at 4:30 p.m., at the sports hall “S. Bandinelli “in Velletri, there was the Eucharistic Celebration for the Episcopal Ordination of Msgr Leonardo D’Ascenzo who was elected Archbishop of our Diocese (Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie).

The celebration was presided by Msgr. Vincenzo Apicella, bishop of Velletri-Segni (the main officiator) and by numerous bishops of Lazio and Puglia, including the Archbishop of Bari, Msgr. Francesco Cacucci and the bishop of Anagni-Alatri Msgr. Lorenzo Loppa, serving as co-consecrators.

All the liturgy of ordination was sober, authoritative and full of emotions, and after the imposition of hands and the prayer of ordination, Msgr. Apicella oiled Msgr. Leonardo with the Sacred Chrism and with great emotion by all there was the delivery of the Gospel, of the ring, of the miter, and of the pastoral.

The rite ended with the first blessing of Msgr. Leonardo, who with great amazement and general emotion, made himself small among us climbing up the terraces of the sports hall to symbolically embrace all of us

“The harvest is plentiful. This is the   expression that I chose as my motto after the announcement of my appointment as archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie. It is the expression that more than any other recurs in pastoral work for vocations, the area that characterized in particular my priestly ministry. It is the expression that marked my whole story”. Those were the first words of thanksgiving that  the newly ordained Archbishop Leonardo D’Ascenzo said in his greeting at the celebration.

“You can imagine how I was deeply surprised – Msgr. D’Ascenzo continued – when I learned that the readings of tonight would have been those that are considered texts with an evident vocational content.  Reflecting on this Word of God, I was able to get some of my similarities with the biblical character of Samuel in particular his ability to return to sleep at least three times after being awakened during the night. Like him, I’m very good at sleeping, I think I look like him. I hope to be like him in the availability to the call, in the capacity to grow and not to let a single Word of the Lord fall into emptiness”. Archbishop D’Ascenzo stole a smile and applause with a frank and reassuring air that convinced the more than 1500 participants in the celebration at the sports hall.

Moreover, also Bishop Apicella in his homily mentioned the theme of vocation. He recalled that “the inscrutable mystery of the Trinity is the divine act par excellence. So for us Christians to transmit the Spirit of God, with the power of the Father and the Son in the inscrutable mystery of the Trinity, is the correct meaning of “tradition”.

That was the wish for don Leonardo, rector of the Seminary of Anagni, now called to lead the new community of Puglia. Bishop Apicella continued: “we often get confused between voices and bells: we seek the first places, the greetings in the squares, the titles, the honors, but we forget that Christ is the center, and that we as disciples must make us small, servants, and occupy the last place. It is an apprenticeship that lasts a lifetime. Precisely in the logic of the parish, Don Leonardo could experience that the logic of service is the meaning of life”. Bishop Apicella concluded: “Don Leonardo is a true man, that is, he loves the truth, even if it is inconvenient, he tells the truth, he does the truth. We are sure that he will be a true shepherd for the people who is awaiting him and we wish him in his presbytery as many priests as those he educated in the Seminary of Anagni. ”

“We will walk together, in communion, in search of what God has in His heart for us, a portion of His people at the school of the Gospel. Supported by the Eucharist, we trust in the maternal intercession of Mary, Mother of Graces, to be the beginning of a renewed experience with Jesus”. The  new ordained archbishop concluded with those words taking leave of the assembly.

At the end of his episcopal ordination, Msgr. D’Ascenzo greeted his community of origin and all those who had been close to him in these years, his whole family, in particular his father Giairo. Almost all the 19 bishops of Puglia were present, about 700 representatives of the Church of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, as well as civil authorities and mayors. Archbishop D’Ascenzo will officially enter the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie on January 27.

The celebration, thanks to the descent of the Holy Spirit, was enriched with love. It gripped the new Bishop and his faithful in an embrace so rich in love that we cried with joy.

We thank the Lord for this great gift that He has given us. May He bless, enlighten and protect our Shepherd in sharing his life with ours.

It is our necessary duty, as sons and daughters of the Divine Will, to commit ourselves to pray for our new Archbishop Leonardo, so that he can, as his predecessors did  (Bishops Carata, Cassati and Pichierri), accompany the last stretch (we hope) of the journey for the beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. We are aware that God, in order to carry out His work, uses His ministers so that the Kingdom of the Divine Will  can spread and build up His Church, just as Jesus Himself told Luisa on January 18, 1928: “My daughter, all of my works hold hands, and this is the sign that they are my works – that one does not oppose the other; on the contrary, they are so bound among themselves, that they sustain one another… With my coming upon earth, I did not destroy Sacred Scriptures; on the contrary, I supported them; and my Gospel, which I announced, opposed them in nothing; on the contrary, they sustained each other in an admirable way. And in forming the new nascent Church, I formed the new priesthood, which does not detach itself either from Sacred Scriptures or from the Gospel. All are intent upon them…Now, that which I manifest on my Divine Will, and which you write, can be called ‘the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will’. In nothing does It oppose either Sacred Scriptures or the Gospel which I announced while being on earth; on the contrary, It can be called the support of one and of the other. And this is why I allow and I call priests to come – to read the Gospel, all of Heaven, of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat, so as to say, as I said to the Apostles: ‘Preach It throughout the whole world.’ In fact, in my works I make use of the priesthood; and just as I had the priesthood before my coming in order to prepare the people, and the priesthood of my Church in order to confirm my coming and everything I did and said, so will I have the priesthood of the Kingdom of my Will…

And I enjoy that more of my ministers get to know that there is this treasure so great, of making known the Kingdom of my Divine Will; and I use this to form the first priests of my coming Kingdom of my Fiat. My daughter, it is a great necessity to form the first priests; they will serve Me like the Apostles served Me to form my Church; and the ones who will occupy themselves with these writings in order to publish them, putting them out to print them – to make them known, will be the new evangelists of the Kingdom of my Supreme Will… Therefore, in these circumstances I expand the circle, and, like a fisherman, I catch those who must serve Me for a Kingdom so holy. Therefore, let Me do, and do not be worried.”

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Feast of the Epiphany Jan 6, 2018

The Epiphany of Our Lord

The Epiphany in the Divine Will


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Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus Jan 3


Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus in the Divine Will 

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The Birth of Jesus in the Divine Will

The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus

December 25, 1900
The birth of Jesus.
As I was in my usual state, I felt I was outside of myself; and after wandering around, I found myself inside a cave, and I saw the Queen Mama in the act of giving birth to Little Baby Jesus. What a stupendous prodigy! It seemed to me that both Mother and Son were transmuted into most pure light. But in that light one could see very well the human nature of Jesus containing the Divinity within Itself, and serving as a veil to cover the Divinity; in such a way that, tearing the veil of the human nature, He was God, while covered with that veil, He was Man. Here is the prodigy of prodigies:

God and Man, Man and God! Without leaving the Father and the Holy Spirit – because true love never separates – He comes to dwell in our midst, taking on human flesh. Now, it seemed to me that Mother and Son, in that most happy instant, remained as though spiritualized, and without the slightest difficulty Jesus came out of the Maternal womb, while both of them overflowed with excess of love. In other words, those Most Pure Bodies were transformed into Light, and without the slightest impediment, Light-Jesus came out of the Light of the Mother, while both One and the Other remained whole and intact, returning, then, to their natural state.

But who can tell the beauty of the Little Baby who, at the moment of His birth, transfused, also externally, the rays of the Divinity? Who can tell the beauty of the Mother, who remained all absorbed in those divine rays? And Saint Joseph? It seemed to me that he was not present at the act of the birth, but remained in another corner of the cave, all engrossed in that profound Mystery. And if he did not see with the eyes of the body, he saw very well with the eyes of the soul, because he remained enraptured in sublime ecstasy.

Now, in the act in which the Little Baby came out to the light, I would have wanted to fly and take Him in my arms, but the Angels prevented me, telling me that the honor of holding Him first belonged to the Mother. Then, the Most Holy Virgin, as though stirred, returned into Herself and from the hands of an Angel received Her Son into Her arms. In Her ardor of love, She squeezed Him so tightly that it seemed that She wanted to enclose Him into Her womb again. Then, wanting to give vent to Her ardent love, She placed Him at Her breast to suckle. In the meantime, I was there completely annihilated, waiting to be called so as not to be scolded again by the Angels. Then the Queen said to me: “Come, come and take your Beloved, and you too, enjoy Him – pour out your love with Him.” As She was saying this, I drew near Mama, and She gave Him to me, into my arms. Who can say my contentment, the kisses, the squeezes, the tendernesses? After I poured myself out a little, I said to Him: ‘My beloved, You have suckled the milk of our Mama – share it with me.’ And He, all condescending, poured part of that milk from His mouth into mine, and then He told me: “My beloved, I was conceived united to suffering, I was born to suffering, and I died in suffering. And with the three nails with which they crucified Me, I nailed the three powers – intellect, memory and will – of those souls who yearn to love Me, keeping them all drawn to Myself, because sin had rendered them infirm and dispersed from their Creator, without any restraint.” As He was saying this, He gazed at the world and began to cry over its miseries. On seeing Him cry, I said: ‘Lovable Baby, do not sadden with your tears a night so happy for one who loves You. Instead of pouring ourselves out in crying, let us pour ourselves out in singing’; and as I said this, I began to sing. Jesus was amused at hearing me sing, and He stopped crying; and completing my verse, He sang His own, with a voice so powerful and harmonious that all other voices disappeared at the sound of His most sweet voice. After this, I prayed to Baby Jesus for my confessor, for those who belong to me, and lastly, for everyone, and He seemed all condescending. At that moment He disappeared from me, and I returned into myself. I nailed the three powers – intellect, memory and will – of those souls who yearn to love Me, keeping them all drawn to Myself, because sin had rendered them infirm and dispersed from their Creator, without any restraint.” As He was saying this, He gazed at the world and began to cry over its miseries. On seeing Him cry, I said: ‘Lovable Baby, do not sadden with your tears a night so happy for one who loves You. Instead of pouring ourselves out in crying, let us pour ourselves out in singing’; and as I said this, I began to sing. Jesus was amused at hearing me sing, and He stopped crying; and completing my verse, He sang His own, with a voice so powerful and harmonious that all other voices disappeared at the sound of His most sweet voice.

After this, I prayed to Baby Jesus for my confessor, for those who belong to me, and lastly, for everyone, and He seemed all condescending. At that moment He disappeared from me, and I returned into myself.

December 25, 1908
How to make Jesus be born and grow in your hearts.
Finding myself in my usual state, I was longing for little Baby Jesus, and after many hardships, He made Himself seen in my interior as a little Baby, and told me: “My daughter, the best way to make Me be born in one’s own heart, is to empty oneself of everything, because in finding empty space, I can place all my goods in it. And only then can I remain in it forever, if there is room to be able to carry all that belongs to Me, all that is my own. A person who went to live in the house of someone else, could be called happy only if he found empty space in which to be able to put all of his belongings; otherwise, he would be unhappy. So I am.

The second thing in order to make Me be born and to increase my happiness, is that everything the soul contains, both internal and external – everything, must be done for Me; everything must serve to honor Me, to execute my orders.

If only one thing, one thought, one word, is not for Me, I feel unhappy, and while I should be the master, they make Me a slave. Can I tolerate all this?

The third one is heroic love, magnified love, love of sacrifice. These three loves make my happiness grow in a marvelous way, because they render the soul capable of works which are superior to her strengths, as she does them with my strength alone. They will expand her, by making not only her, but also others love Me. And she will reach the point of enduring anything, even death, in order to triumph in everything, and be able to say to Me: ‘I have nothing else; everything is only love for You.’ In this way, she will not only make Me be born, but will make Me grow, and will form a beautiful paradise in her heart.”

As He was saying this, I looked at Him, and from little, in one instant He became big, in such a way that I remained completely filled with Him. Then everything disappeared.


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Christmas Novena Begins 12/16

The Nine Excesses of Love

Praying for all this Christmas time, in the Name of Jesus, under the Mantle of Mary
and through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

The Christmas Novena written by Luisa,
which begins December 16th.

St. Annibale said of this Novena:

“…I also tell you that in reading the nine Exercises of Christmas, of which we have already prepared the proofs, one remains astounded at the immense Love and the immense suffering of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ for love of us, and for the salvation of souls.  I have never read in any other book on this topic a Revelation so touching and penetrating!”    St. Annibale Maria Di Francia Feb. 14, 1927

May we all come to know and love Our Lord, Our Lady and all our brothers more and more, and prepare well for the coming of Jesus Who yearns to Reign in our hearts!

The Nine Excesses of Love can be found here

Fiat Voluntas Tua!

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