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Msgr. Paolo Rizzi, the new postulator of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta meets the Association

From the Official WebSite

We received a great gift from our Celestial Mother during this Marian month, on the eve of the centenary of Her appearances in Fatima: the presence, in our midst, of Msgr. Paolo Rizzi, the new postulator of the cause of beatification and canonization of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Msgr  Rizzi, incardinated in the Diocese of Vigevano, since 1998 is an official the Secretariat of His Holiness, in the General Affairs Section. He is also the postulator of the causes of canonization of Venerable Teresio Olivelli and Blessed Tommaso Reggio.

The meeting with Msgr. Rizzi began at mid-morning on May 12. After the visit to the Cathedrals of the cities of Barletta and Trani, in the afternoon  the meeting with Achbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri took place. The Bishop expressed  the hope that the process of beatification would achieve its goal for the benefit of the faithful throughout the world awaiting this act of the Church. Then he saw a provisional coincidence in the fact that this assignment fell on the 70thanniversary of Luisa’s death and on the centenary of the apparitions of Fatima. In fact, he enlightened the strong link between Fatima’s message and Luisa’s mystical experience. Finally, he stated the constant concern of many bishops throughout the world, who, through their letters, invites him to pursue the path he has undertaken.

Afterward, Msgr.Rizzi visited the tomb of the Servant of God in the Church of Santa Maria Greca and the House – Museum where he also met some pilgrims coming from the Philippines, Ireland, as well as from Italy who welcomed him with great joy and cordiality. Moreover, don Sergio presented the archive and explained all the documentation contained in it and that it is essential for the continuation of the Cause.

There then followed an initial meeting with the members of the Governing Council during which the postulator answered some questions regarding the Status of the Cause.

In the evening Msgr. Rizzi met the whole family of the Association during an assembly at Luisa Piccarreta Parish Center. At this meeting, after presenting to him all the various groups and activities of the Association, some testimonies highlighted the interest and love for Luisa and the Divine Will, especially the desire to be the spokespeople and evangelizes of such message, to leave everything to recovered the Whole, that is God and His Will.

Finally, some songs of adoration and praise, always characterized by the Divine Will, concluded the evening and brightened the moment of festive fraternity that followed.

Mgr Rizzi honored us with his presence the next day too, on May 13, at mid-morning, when he had a second meeting with the members of the Governing Council. During this encounter, they dealt more deeply with matters relating to the cause and the spreading of the message of the Divine Will in the world. Then he visited the exhibition dedicated to Luisa Piccarreta, which was inaugurated last  April 24 by the Archbishop and entitled “Seed of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

It was a fruitful and fertile exchange of reciprocal enrichment that transmitted to us so much hope and a strong desire to continue our commitment both to the Cause of Beatification and, above all, to the charisma that Luisa left us, that the Divine Will be fulfilled “on earth as in heaven“. Fiat!

Paolo Rizzi

He was born in Mortara (PV) in 1963. He was ordained a priest in 1990 and incardinated in the diocese of Vigevano. He graduated with a degree from the Pontifical Urban University of Rome. He attended the course for postulators at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and the course of administrative practice on special processes at the Congregation of the Sacraments. He served for two years as vice pastor and for six years as caretaker pastor. He worked as a teacher of Religious Education, in Italian lower secondary schools and a professor of canon law at the Seminary of Vigevano. Since 1998 he is an official the Secretariat of His Holiness in the General Affairs Section. In 2003 he was appointed Chaplain of His Holiness. He published books, works and articles of contemporary history, canonical law and hagiography in local and national periodicals.

Antonella Bucci


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Pentecost Prayer for the Anointing of Holy Spirit

Asking for the Anointing of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost 

Prayer to be found here

Consecration Prayer in Fulfillment of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit found here


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Divine Will Novena to the Holy Spirit begins 5/2/17

Novena to the Holy Spirit in the Divine Will 

Novena can be found here – starts May 26, 2016


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Solemnity of the Ascension May 25th 2017

Solemnity of the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven

Prayer and Vow to give up our will on this special day here


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Novena to St. Annibale for Priestly Vocations 5/23/17

Novena to St. Annibale for Priestly Vocations begins today May 23, 2017


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13 de Mayo de 2017 Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Fátima 100 Aniversario de la Primera de 6 Apariciones

13 de Mayo de 2017
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Fátima
100 Aniversario de la Primera de 6 Apariciones

“Y tu alma espada penetrará, para que, de muchos corazones, los pensamientos sean revelados”. – Lucas 2:35

¿Es posible que los acontecimientos de “Fátima”, Nuestra Señora Apareciendo en Su Cuerpo Glorificado, Totalmente Armados con el Poder y el Amor de Dios, prepararan a la Iglesia y al mundo para la Venida de la Pequeña Hija de la Divina Voluntad, Luisa Piccarreta y la venida del Reino de la Divina Voluntad en la tierra como en el Cielo?

Observe los detalles, tal vez pasados por alto por muchos, que bien pueden indicar esta Venida. Porque Nuestra Señora dijo: “Dios quiere Establecer en el mundo la devoción a Mi Inmaculado Corazón. (…) Al final, Mi Corazón Inmaculado triunfará. (…) y un período de paz será concedido al mundo. “En una de las visiones, los tres niños vieron” un ángel con una espada en llamas en su mano izquierda; Parpadeando, daba llamas que parecían incendiar el mundo; Pero murieron en contacto con el Esplendor que Nuestra Señora Radiaba hacia él desde Su mano derecha; Apuntando a la tierra con su mano derecha, el Ángel gritó en voz alta: ¡Penitencia, Penitencia, Penitencia! Esta visión es una reminiscencia del momento en que Adán y Eva fueron expulsados del Edén. Sólo en esta escena, aparece Nuestra Señora, reteniendo a la Justicia de Dios para atraer a Sus hijos hacia Su Corazón Inmaculado, paso preparatorio, esencial para el “Fiat” de Sus hijos a la Divina Voluntad.

“Y Jehová Dios lo envió del paraíso del placer, para cultivar la tierra de la cual fue tomado. Y echó fuera a Adán; Y puso delante del paraíso de los querubines de placer, y una espada de fuego, girando en todos los sentidos, para guardar el camino del árbol de la vida. “- Gn 3: 23-24

Con el Libro del Cielo, escrito y vivido por la sierva de Dios Luisa Piccarreta, es evidente que Luisa sostiene la ardiente espada de la Justicia de Dios, ayudando a la conversión de las almas y el triunfo de la Iglesia, pero Llevando también a sus hijos a la unión con el Nuevo Adán Jesús y la Nueva Eva María, para entrar en el Reino de la Divina Voluntad.

(Las siguientes seis secciones honran a las seis apariciones de Nuestra Señora de Fátima a los niños: consideren leer el documento entero cada fecha durante este 100o aniversario)

En honor a la Aparición de Nuestra Señora de Fátima el 13 de Mayo a los niños: “Cantad alabanza, y gozaos, hija de Sion;
Porque he aquí que yo vengo, y moraré en medio de ti, dijo el SEÑOR. “(Zac 2:10)

La Reina del Cielo en su Concepción, fue concebida en los méritos, en la Vida, en el amor y penas del futuro Redentor, para después poder concebir al Divino Verbo en Ella para venir a salvar a las criaturas.

Volumen 34 – Diciembre 8, 1936

Mi pobre mente sumergiéndose en el Fiat Divino encontraba en acto la Concepción de la Reina Inmaculada. Todo era fiesta y llamaba a todos en torno a Sí, ángeles, santos, para hacerles ver el prodigio inaudito, las gracias, el amor con el cual llamaba de la nada a esta excelsa Criatura, para que todos la conocieran y alabaran como su Reina y Madre de todos. Pero mientras yo quedaba sorprendida, y habría quedado ahí quién sabe cuánto si mi dulce Jesús no me hubiera llamado diciéndome:

“Quiero honrar a mi Madre Celestial, quiero narrar la historia de su Inmaculada Concepción, sólo Yo puedo hablar de ésta, porque soy el autor de tan gran prodigio. Ahora hija mía, el primer acto de esta Concepción fue un Fiat nuestro, pronunciado con tal solemnidad y con tal plenitud de gracias, que encierra a todo y a todos, todo concentramos en esta Concepción de la Virgen; en nuestro Fiat Divino, en el cual no existe pasado ni futuro, tuvo presente la Encarnación del Verbo, y la hizo concebir y encarnar en mi misma Encarnación, futuro Redentor; mi sangre, que estaba en acto como si la estuviera esparciendo, la regaba, la embellecía, la confirmaba, la fortalecía continuamente en modo divino. Pero no bastaba a mi Amor, todos sus actos, palabras y pasos, primero eran concebidos en los actos, palabras y pasos míos, y después tenían la vida. Mi Humanidad era el refugio, el escondite, la incorporación de esta Celestial Criatura, así que si nos amaba, su amor era encarnado y concebido en mi Amor, y ¡oh! conforme nos amaba, su amor encerraba todo y a todos, puedo decir que amaba como sabe amar un Dios, tenía nuestras mismas locuras de amor por Nosotros y por todas las criaturas, y que amando una vez, ama, ama siempre sin jamás cesar; su oración era concebida en mi oración, y por eso tenía un valor inmenso, una potencia sobre nuestro Ser Supremo, y ¿quién podía negarle nada? Sus penas, sus dolores, sus martirios, que fueron tantos, primero fueron concebidos en mi Humanidad, y después sentía en sí la vida de las penas y de los martirios desgarradores, todos animados por una Fuerza divina. Entonces se puede decir que se concibió en Mí, de Mí salió su vida, todo lo que Yo hice y sufrí se alineó en torno a esta Santa Criatura para cortejarla y volcarme continuamente sobre de Ella y poderle decir: ‘Eres la Vida de mi Vida, eres toda bella, eres la primera redimida, mi Fiat Divino te ha modelado, te ha dado el aliento y te ha hecho concebir en mis obras, en mi misma Humanidad’.

Ahora hija mía, este concebir en el Verbo Encarnado a esta Celestial Criatura, fue hecho por Nosotros con suma Sabiduría, con Potencia inalcanzable, con Amor inagotable, y con el decoro que conviene a nuestras obras. Debiendo Yo, Verbo del Padre, descender del Cielo para encarnarme en el seno de una Virgen, no era suficiente a la Santidad de mi Divinidad la sola virginidad y haberla exentado de la mancha de origen, por eso fue necesario a nuestro Amor y a nuestra Santidad, que esta Virgen primero fuera concebida en Mí con todas las prerrogativas, virtudes y bellezas que debía poseer la Vida del Verbo Encarnado, y por eso después pude concebirme en quien había sido concebida en Mí, y encontré en Ella mi Cielo, la Santidad de mi Vida, mi misma sangre que la había generado y derramado tantas veces, encontré mi misma Voluntad, que comunicándole la Fecundidad Divina formó la Vida a su Hijo e Hijo de Dios. Mi Fiat Divino para hacerla digna de poderme concebir, la tuvo investida y bajo su imperio continuo que posee todos los actos como si fuera un solo acto para darle todo, llamaba en acto mis méritos previstos, toda mi Vida y la vertía continuamente dentro de su bella alma. Por eso sólo Yo puedo decir la verdadera historia de la Inmaculada Concepción, y de toda su vida, porque la concebí en Mí y estoy al día de todo, y si la Santa Iglesia habla de la Celestial Reina, pueden decir sólo las primeras letras del alfabeto de su santidad, grandeza y dones con los que fue enriquecida. Si tú supieras el contento que siento cuando hablo de mi Madre Celestial, quién sabe cuantas preguntas me harías para darme la alegría de hacerme hablar de quien tanto amo, y me ha amado”.

De la Reina del Cielo en el Reino de la Divina Voluntad

Día Trece – (…) Hija mía, animo, no temas; Tu Mamá está para ti, y hoy te estaba esperando para que Mi Heroísmo y Mi Triunfo en el Sacrificio pudieran infundir en ti fuerza y animo, que pueda ver a mi hijo triunfante en sus dolores, con el heroísmo de soportarlos Amor y para hacer la Voluntad Divina.

Yo tenía apenas tres años cuando mis santos padres me anunciaron su decisión de consagrarme al Señor en el Templo.

Con el pensamiento de que debía pasar mi juventud en la casa de Dios, mi corazón exultó de alegría y al mismo tiempo se sintió oprimido por el dolor. Me sentía tan pequeña aún y tan necesitada de las tiernas atenciones de mi padre y de mi madre… Me estaba privando de la presencia de dos grandes santos. Por otra parte, vi que a medida que se acercaba el día en que se iban a privar de Mí, que rendían sus vidas llenas de alegría y de felicidad, sentían tal amargura que se sentían muertos. Pero, aunque sufriendo, estaban dispuestos a hacer el heroico acto de llevarme al Señor.

Mis padres me amaron en el orden de Dios, y me consideraron un gran regalo, dado a ellos por el Señor; Y esto les dio la fuerza para hacer el doloroso sacrificio. Por lo tanto, hija Mía, si quieres tener la fuerza invencible para sufrir los dolores más duros, que todas tus cosas estén en el orden de Dios, y las sostengas como dones preciosos dados por el Señor.

Ahora, Debes Saber que me preparé con animo para mi salida para el templo, porque, al entregar mi voluntad humana al ser Divino y el Fiat Supremo tomo posesión de mi ser entero, adquirí todas las virtudes como mi propia naturaleza. Yo era el dominador de mí mismo; Todas las virtudes estaban en mí como muchas princesas nobles, y según las circunstancias de mi vida, se mostraron rápidamente, para hacer su oficina sin ninguna resistencia. En vano me habrían llamado Reina si no hubiera poseído la virtud de ser reina sobre mí. Por lo tanto, tuve en mi dominio la caridad perfecta, la paciencia invencible, la dulzura penetrante, la humildad profunda y la dotación total de las otras virtudes. La Divina Voluntad rindió mi pequeña tierra de mi humanidad afortunada, siempre florida, y sin las espinas de los vicios.

¿Ves entonces, querida hija, lo que significa vivir de la Divina Voluntad? Su luz, su santidad y su poder convierten todas las virtudes en la propia naturaleza; Ni se baja a sí mismo a reinar en un alma donde hay una naturaleza rebelde – no, no. Es la santidad, y quiere la naturaleza en la que debe reinar para ser ordenado y santa. Por lo tanto, por el Sacrificio de ir al Templo, fueron las Conquistas las que hice; Y sobre este Sacrificio, el Triunfo de una Voluntad Divina fue Formado en Mí. Y estos Triunfos me trajeron nuevos mares de gracia, de santidad y de luz, hasta el punto de sentirse feliz en mis dolores, para poder conquistar nuevos triunfos.

Ahora, hija mía, ponga su mano sobre su corazón, y dígale a su mamá: ¿sientes tu naturaleza transformada en Virtud? ¿O sientes las espinas de la impaciencia, las hierbas nocivas de las agitaciones, los malos humores de los afectos que no son santos? Escucha, deja que tu mamá Mary lo haga; coloque su voluntad humana en Mis Manos, decidida a no quererla más, y Yo le haré poseer por la Divina Voluntad, la cual lo Borrará todo de ti; Y lo que no has hecho en muchos años, lo harás en un día, el cual será el Principio de la Verdadera Vida, de la Felicidad y de la Verdadera Santidad.

Oración en La Divina Voluntad para Fatima

Oraciónes de Fatima aquí


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National Day of Prayer – May 4

National Day of Prayer on May 4th 2017

The theme this year is:

For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear Us… Forgive Us…Heal Us!

Taken from Daniel 9:19, which says,

“O Lord, Listen! O Lord, Forgive! O Lord, Hear and Act! For Your Sake, O My God…”.



In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

under the Mantle of Mary, with all the Angels and Saints,

through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

O Lord, Listen! O Lord, Forgive! O Lord, Hear and Act! For Your Sake, O My God…”.

May souls in America begin to Live in Your Divine Will,

as Your little children on earth as it is in Heaven.

Let this day be the beginning of the Coming of Your Kingdom upon earth,

and the Fulfillment of Your Most Holy Divine Will.

Please take our humble prayer an make it Your Command

that all may be accomplished and completed.

“We believe, we receive!”

Fiat! Amen!


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The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will May 1

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Can be started here


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Memorial of St. Joseph – May 1st


Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker

and the beginning of the
Month in honor of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
In the Unity of the Most Holy Divine Will,
one with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
united to all souls past present an future, united to all the Hosts of
Heaven and with the voice of all Creation, we humbly kneel
before the Throne of Our Triune God, linked to the Servant of God,
Luisa Piccarreta 

let us pray:

Dearest St Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary through little
mamma Luisa May our Blessed Mother lead us, teach us,
mold us, refine us
into the True Image and Likeness of Her Son
during this holy month of May; and write our names and the
names of all our families in her Most Immaculate Heart.
May Saint Joseph protect us and help us as he did the Holy
Family of Nazareth with our families, our jobs, our countries
and in our Most Holy Catholic Church. 




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Novena for Luisa’s Birthday begins today 4/14/17

Novena for Luisa’s Birthday



For the Gift of Living In the Divine Will one with Luisa, the little daughter of the Divine Will

From April 14 to April 23 – Birthday of Luisa

 The Command Prayer

(recite after each days prayer)

Abba Father, In the Name of Jesus, in the Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit, Under the Mantle of Mary, with all the Angels and Saints, through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command, that all be accomplished and completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will. Fiat! Amen!

Day 1 

The Mystical Marriage –  “The longed for day finally arrived, after not a little suffering. …He drew near me, took my heart in His hands,…He dusted it, and then He gave it back to me. Then He took a garment of immense beauty, …and He clothed me with that garment. …He bejeweled my ears. Then He adorned my neck and my arms, and surrounded my forehead with a crown of immense value,…Now, while He was crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most sweet spouse, I place this crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you worthy of being My spouse; but then, after our wedding is finished, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.” (V1)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 2 

“Sometimes, carrying me with Him, He (Jesus) would take me (Luisa) to Paradise… I will just say that sometimes, while finding myself in that Blessed Fatherland, I would be strolling together with Jesus in the midst of the Choirs of Angels and the Saints; and since I was newly-espoused, all the Blessed would unite together to participate in the joys of our marriage. …Jesus would show me to the Saints, saying to them: “See this soul – she is a Triumph of My Love; My Love has surpassed everything in her.”

Other times, then, He would make me stay at the place which was going to be mine, and He would say to me: “Here is your place – no one can take it away from you.” (V1)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 3 

“While I am outside of myself, my Adorable Jesus continues to show me my heart inside of His – but so transformed, that I can no longer recognize which one is mine and which one is Jesus’. …I seemed to see my Beloved Jesus occupied with preparing the place in which He was to put the heart, perfuming it and bejeweling it with many different flowers. And while He was doing this, He told me: “My beloved, since you must live from My Heart, it is appropriate for you to undertake a more perfect way of living. Therefore, from you I want:

  1. Perfect conformity to My Will, because you will only be able to love Me perfectly if you love Me with My own Will.
  2. Profound humility, placing yourself, in front of Me and of creatures, as the last among all.”  (…)  (V4 – 11.20.00)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

Day 4

  1. Purity in everything, because any slightest fault against purity, both in loving and in operating, is reflected all in the heart, and it remains stained. …if all your works, thoughts and words, heartbeats and affections, desires and inclinations, are adorned with the celestial dew of purity, you will weave a sweet enchantment, not only for the human eye, but for the Whole of Heaven.
  2. Obedience, which must be connected with My Will, because if this virtue regards the superiors I have given you on earth, My Will is obedience which regards Me directly; …However, both of them have the same value, and one cannot be without the other; therefore you must love both one and the other in the same way.”

“Know that from now on you will live with My Heart, and you must see things the way My Heart does, that I may find My satisfactions in you. Therefore be careful, for this is no longer your heart, but Mine.”   (V4 – 11.20.00)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

Day 5 

“…See, in order to make the creature ascend again into the Firmness, into the Perennial Good, into the unshakeability of My Will, I want to Establish My Kingdom in their midst. See then, in what point I have placed you—in the Firmness and unshakeability of the Fiat, so as to allow you to lay this Kingdom of Mine within It. And just as My Will Triumphs of everything with Its Firmness, so will you Triumph of everything with Its Firmness and in the unshakeability of Its Acts, and you will reorder the Divine Order between the two wills—the Divine Will shall be reintegrated in Its Glory, and the human will shall place itself again in the order established by God.”   (V20 – 1.13.27)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

Day 6

‘Tell me, my Life, who is my Family? What is my dowry and Yours?’ And smiling, He continued: “Your family is the Trinity. Don’t you remember that in the first years of bed I took you to Heaven and we Celebrated our Union before the Most Holy Trinity…We, the Three Divine Persons, Descended from Heaven, took Possession of your heart, and formed Our Perpetual Residence in it. We took the reins of your intelligence, of your heart, and of all of yourself; and everything you did was an Outpouring of Our Creative Will over you, and the Confirmation that your will was animated by an Eternal Will.  (V13 – 12.5.21)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

Day 7 

(…) “My daughter, courage, let Me finish to manifest to you all that is necessary, regarding the Kingdom of My Will, so that nothing may be missing in order to form It in the midst of the human family.  …Its full Triumph you will see from Heaven.  …We will do It together, My daughter.  Your pains, your long sacrifices, your incessant prayers that My Kingdom may come soon, and My Manifestations about It – I will Unite everything together with Me and will form the foundations.  Once I have completed everything, I will Entrust My Kingdom to My ministers, so that, like second Apostles of the Kingdom My Will, they may be the criers of It.  (V20 – 11.6.26)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

Day 8 

“Live always in your precious Inheritance, that was given to you with so much Love.  It is yours—It will always be yours, inseparable from you; nor will I ever permit that My little daughter not feel the heartbeat of My Light, the breath of My balsamic Air, the Life of My Divine Will.”

(…)“Now, My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will possesses the rights of her creation, and therefore, more than sun, she lives in the Unity of her Creator; she is the reproducer of the effects of the Divine Unity.  In this Unity she gathers everything, embraces everyone, warms everyone, and with the breath of the Divine Unity she produces in the hearts of creatures all the effects that are present in the Kingdom of Grace…” (V27 – 11.14.29)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

Day 9 

“One who lives in My Will is the True Sun, that is such that apparently one sees nothing but light and feels nothing but heat, but how many goods are there not inside that light and heat?  How many effects?  The life and the goods of the earth are enclosed inside that light and heat.  In the same way, with one who Lives in My Divine Fiat, apparently one sees a creature, but inside there is a Divine Will that sustains everything—Heaven and earth, and does not want to keep inactive she who possesses such a great good.” (V27 – 11.14.29)

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

Saturday April 23, 2017

Luisa’s Birthday

V3 – April 23, 1900 – This morning, finding myself outside of myself, I saw my sweet Jesus suffering very much, and I prayed Him to share His pains with me; and He said to me:  “You too suffer.  Rather, I will take your place and You will do for me the office of a nurse.”  So it seemed that Jesus placed Himself in my bed, and I, beside Him, began to check His head, removing the thorns which were driven into it one by one.  Then I moved on to His body and I visited all His wounds; I dried up the blood, I kissed them, but I had nothing with which to salve them so as to mitigate the spasm, when I saw that oil was coming out from me.  I took it and I salved the wounds of Jesus, but with some concern, as I did not understand what the meaning was of that oil coming out from me.

But blessed Jesus made me understand that resignation to the Divine Will is oil which, while salving and mitigating our pains, salves and mitigates the spasm of the wounds of Jesus at the same time.  Then, after performing this office for my dear Jesus for quite some time, He disappeared and I came back into myself.

Prayer – Lord, we pray that Your Eternal Fiat be Known, and just as it Reigns Triumphantly in Heaven, it may Come to Reign Triumphantly in the Midst of Creatures. We also pray that we may be anointed and salved with the Oil from Luisa so that we may all be Resigned to the Most Holy Divine Will.  Fiat!  Amen.

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