“And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.”
In honor of the May 13 Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the children:
“Sing Praise, and Rejoice, O Daughter of Sion;
for Behold I Come, and I will Dwell in the Midst of Thee: said the Lord.” (Zach 2:10)
V34-12.8.36 – How in Her Conception, the Queen of Heaven was Conceived in the Merits, in the Life, in the Love and sufferings, of the future Redeemer, in order for the Divine Word to then be Conceived in Her so as to come to save the creatures.
My poor mind, immersing itself in the Divine Fiat, found in Act the Conception of the Immaculate Queen. He was All in Feast and Called everyone around Himself, Angels, Saints, in order to make seen the Unheard-of Prodigy, the Graces, the Love with which He Called this Sublime Creature from nothing, such that everyone would know and praise Her as their Queen and Mother of All.
But while I remained surprised, and I would have remained there who knows how long if my Sweet Jesus had not Called me by telling me: “I want to Honor My Celestial Mother. I want to Narrate the Story of Her Immaculate Conception. Only I can Speak of it, being Author of so Great a Prodigy. Now, My daughter, the First Act of this Conception was one Fiat of Ours, Pronounced with such Solemnity and with such Fullness of Grace, as to Enclose everything and everyone. We Centralized Everything in this Conception of the Virgin. In Our Divine Fiat, in which past and future do not exist, the Incarnation of the Word was held Present, and It made Her Conceived and Incarnated in the same Incarnation of Me, future Redeemer. My Blood that was in Act as if I Myself were Shedding it, continually Sprinkled Her, Embellished Her, Confirmed Her, and Fortified Her in a Divine Way.
“But it was not enough for My Love. All Her Acts, Words, and Steps, were first Conceived in My Acts, Words, and Steps, and then they had Life. My Humanity was the Refuge, the Hiding Place, the Embodiment of this Celestial Creature, such that if She Loved Us, Her Love was Incarnated and Conceived in My Love. And O! how She Loved Us. Her Love Enclosed everything and everyone. I can say that She Loved as a God Knows how to Love. She had Our same Follies of Love for Us and for all creatures, and that Loving one time, She Loves, She Always Loves, without ever stopping. Her prayer was Conceived in My Prayer and therefore it had an Immense Value, a Power over Our Supreme Being—and who could deny Her anything? Her sufferings, Her Sorrows, Her Martyrdoms, that were so many, were first Conceived in My Humanity, and then She felt in Herself the Life of the Sufferings and of the excruciating Martyrdoms, all Animated by Divine Strength.
Therefore one can say She was Conceived in Me. From Me Her Life went forth. Everything that I did and Suffered lined up around this Holy Creature in order to Court Her and continuously Pour Myself over Her, and be able to tell Her: ‘You are the Life of My Life, You are All Beautiful, You are the First Redeemed, My Divine Fiat has Molded You, It has Breathed on You, and It has made You be Conceived in My Works, in My Humanity Itself.’
“Now, My daughter, Conceiving this Celestial Creature in the Incarnate Word, was done by Us with Highest Wisdom, with Unreachable Power, with Inexhaustible Love, and with Decorum that Befits Our Works. I, Word of the Father, having to Descend from Heaven in order to Incarnate Myself in the Womb of a Virgin, just virginity and having made Her exempt from the stain of original sin was not sufficient for the Sanctity of My Divinity, therefore it was necessary for Our Love and for Our Sanctity that this Virgin first would be Conceived in Me with all those Prerogatives, Virtues, and Beauties that the Life of the Incarnate Word Must Possess, and then, therefore, I could be Conceived in the One who had been Conceived in Me.” And I Found in Her My Heaven, the Sanctity of My Life, My Own Blood that had Generated Her and Watered Her so many times. I found My Own Will, that Communicating Its Divine Fecundity to Her, Formed the Life of Her and the Son of God. My Divine Fiat, in order to make Her Worthy of being able to Conceive Me, held Her Invested and Under Its Continuous Empire that Possesses All Acts as if they were One Single Act. In order to give Her Everything, It called into Act My Foreseen Merits, My Whole Life, and It Continuously Poured it within Her Beautiful Soul.
“Therefore I Alone can tell the True Story of the Immaculate Conception and of Her Whole Life, because I Conceived Her in Me and I AM Aware of Everything. And if the Holy Church speaks about the Celestial Queen, they can say only the first letters of the alphabet about Her Sanctity, Greatness, and Gifts with which She was Enriched. If you knew the Contentment that I feel when I speak about My Celestial Mother, who knows how many demands you would make Me in order to give Me the Joy of letting Me Speak about the One Whom I Love So Much, and Who has Loved Me.”
From the Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Thirteen – (…) My child, courage, do not fear; your Mama is all for you, and today I was waiting for you so that My Heroism and My Triumph in the Sacrifice may Infuse in you strength and courage, that I may see my child triumphant in her pains, with the heroism of bearing them with love and in order to do the Divine Will.
Now, my child, listen to Me: I had just turned three years old when my parents made known to Me that they wanted to consecrate Me to the Lord in the Temple. My Heart Rejoiced in hearing this – that is, Consecrating Myself and spending my years in the house of God. But beneath my Joy there was a Sorrow – a privation of the dearest persons one can have on earth, which were My dear parents. I was little, I needed their maternal cares; I was depriving Myself of the presence of two great saints. Moreover, I saw that as the day approached on which they were to deprive themselves of Me, who rendered their lives full of joy and of happiness, they felt such bitterness as to feel themselves dying. But, though suffering, they were disposed to make the heroic act of taking Me to the Lord.
My parents loved Me in the order of God, and considered Me a great gift, given to them by the Lord; and this gave them the strength to make the painful sacrifice. Therefore, My child, if you want to have invincible strength to suffer the hardest pains, let all your things be in the order of God, and hold them as precious gifts given to you by the Lord.
Now, You Must Know that I Prepared Myself with Courage for My Departure for the Temple, because, as I Delivered My human will to the Divine Being and the Supreme Fiat Took Possession of My Whole Being, I Acquired All Virtues as My Own Nature. I was Dominator of Myself; All Virtues were in Me like many noble princesses, and according to the circumstances of My Life, they promptly showed themselves, to do their Office without any resistance. In vain would they have called Me Queen, had I not Possessed the Virtue of Being Queen over Myself. Therefore, I had in My Dominion Perfect Charity, Invincible Patience, Enrapturing Sweetness, Profound Humility, and the Whole Endowment of the other Virtues. The Divine Will Rendered My Little Earth of My Humanity Fortunate, Always Flowery, and without the thorns of vices.
Do you see then, dear child, what it means to Live of Divine Will? Its Light, Its Sanctity and Power Convert All Virtues into one’s nature; nor does It Lower Itself to Reign in a soul where there is a rebellious nature – no, no. It is Sanctity, and It wants the nature in which It Must Reign to be ordered and holy. Therefore, by the Sacrifice of going to the Temple, it was Conquests that I made; and over this Sacrifice, the Triumph of a Divine Will was Formed in Me. And these Triumphs brought into Me New Seas of Grace, of Sanctity and of Light – to the extent of feeling Happy in My Pains, in order to be able to Conquer New Triumphs.
Now, my child, place your hand upon your heart, and tell your Mama: do you feel your nature changed into Virtue? Or, do you feel the thorns of impatience, the noxious herbs of agitations, the bad humors of affections which are not holy? Listen – let your Mama Mary do it; place your human will into My Hands, determined in not wanting it anymore, and I shall make you be Possessed by the Divine Will, which will Banish everything from you; and what you have not done in many years, you shall do in one day, which shall be the Beginning of True Life, of Happiness, and of True Sanctity.
Abba Father,
In the Name of Jesus,
in the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,
Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
with All the Angels and Saints,
through the intercession
of the little daughter of the Divine Will,
Luisa Piccarreta,
Please Accept this Solemn Act
of Reparation and Consecration
of Russia, the United States and All Nations,
with All peoples, past, present and future,
as we Honor the 102nd Anniversary
of Our Lady of Fatima.
On behalf of all mankind we beg You,
Come Holy Spirit!
May this Consecration hasten the
Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
and the Eucharistic Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
May the Coming of the Kingdom,
and of the Fulfillment of the prayer to You,
Our Heavenly Father,
“May Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”
be accomplished and completed
in Your Most Holy Divine Will.
Fiat! Amen!