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Torchbearer for the Queen

Excerpts from Our Lady of America to Sister Mary Ephrem on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, August 22, 1957:

“My heart, my Immaculate Heart, is the Channel through which the Graces of the Sacred Heart are given to men.

“O my sweet child, time passes and with it wasted Graces and constant refusals on the part of man to co-operate with me in the accomplishment of the Divine Will for his own sanctification and salvation.

“What am I to do, child of my Heart, when my children turn from me? The false peace of this world lures them and in the end will destroy them. They think they have done enough in consecrating themselves to my Immaculate Heart. It is not enough. That which I ask for and is most important many have not given me. What I ask, have asked, and will continue to ask is reformation of life. There must be sanctification from within. I will work my Miracles of Grace only in those who ask for them and empty their souls of the love and attachment to sin and all that is displeasing to my Son. Souls who cling to sin cannot have their hands free to receive the Treasures of Grace that I hold out to them.

“Behold, my small one, so Tenderly Loved by your Mother, behold then my Heart Pierced by a cruel Sword! Oh, what grief my children have caused me!

“My humble one, my small flower, we must have more souls who love, love unselfishly and without reserve. Who does anything who does not love?

“I wish to gather about me, my tender child, soldier and valiant bearer of the torch, an army of brave lovers, who as my TORCHBEARERS will enkindle the fire of Divine Love in the souls of men. Only those who are strong in love can become my soldiers to bear aloft, not the sword of destruction, but the Sword of Fire, the Flaming Torch of Divine Charity.

“My poor child, you have suffered much, but do not fear. Take courage, for soon a haven of rest will be given you–not a refuge from suffering and pain, but a nest of solitude for the little white dove, so dear to me and the Heart of my Son.

“Patience, sweet child! The Will of the Father must be dearer to you than all else. This is the lesson every soul desiring intimate union with my Son must strive to learn.

“This is enough now, small one. Other duties call you. Go in peace.”

Further accounts relating to the “mission” given me [Sister Mary Ephrem by Our Lady of America] and to others closely connected with it:

Our Lady made known to me that she is particularly interested in the youth of our nation. It is they who are to be the leaders of this movement of renewal on the face of the earth. Their ranks will be swelled by the youths of other nations whom Our Lady also calls to help in the accomplishment of this great renewal. But the youth must be prepared, and this must be done by instilling into them, not only the knowledge of the Divine Indwelling, but a serious study of It, living It in such a way that the Divine Presence becomes, as it were, an intimate and necessary part of their life and daily living. From this will flow a great love, a conflagration that will envelop the world in the flames of Divine Charity. This is what Our Lady is working for, because this is the great desire of her Divine Son, and it is to the youth of America, that she is holding out this challenge.

A medal which Our Lady asked to be made is to be their shield against evil, the picture or statue of Our Lady, the protection of the home, the statue at the Shrine in Washington, D.C., a special safeguard for our country. America, the United States in particular, is being given the tremendous, yet privileged, opportunity to lead all nations in a spiritual renewal never before so necessary, so important, so vital.

St. Michael came to me one evening shortly after Our Lady’s visit, holding an immense flaming torch. He held it towards me saying:

“My little sister, you must carry this torch through the world.”

He came again the next night in the same manner. The next day I was interiorly enlightened during Mass. It was made known to me that those, particularly the youth, who are willing wholeheartedly to follow Our Lady in her great battle against evil would bear the special title of “Torchbearers of the Queen.” This torch, of course, is Divine Love, for it is Love alone that will conquer hate and all that hate brings with it.


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